Disinfecting our skin and living areas

Disinfecting our skin and living areas

Bacteria and viruses are circulating worldwide. This appereance has been around for years and will always be present. New bacteria and viruses are also created. It is important to protect ourselves and our loved ones as best we can. An important foundation to realize this protection is to start disinfecting our hands and skin. In addition, it is important to disinfect our living space.

What is mold? Mold is a type of fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments (called hyphae)

Bacteria and viruses are everywhere. On our hands, on surfaces, in the air, on objects and much more!

In fact, the first factor in choosing a disinfectant is its antimicrobial properties It must kill a wide range of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms.

Gardening is a very popular hobby in the world. Due to its proximity to nature, this issue has attracted many people with different social statuses. Gardening is one of the activities that improve people's physical and mental health.

If you have never experienced mold in the bathroom, it is probably because you have not paid enough attention to the corners of your bathroom.

Hand sanitizers are mainly known for their high alcohol percentages, often from 70% alcohol or more.

In this article, we answer the most common questions about cleaning and disinfecting

The use of disinfectants has increased significantly in recent months. At the same time it raises the question whether disinfectants are harmful.

We live on a planet where every environment contains bacteria and germs. There are more than 600,000 bacteria per square inch of the human skin.

Plant diseases are usually caused by dysfunction of normal plant growth.

One of the largest series of living organisms are fungi. These micro-organisms are eukaryotes that digest nutrients outside their bodies and then absorb them into their cells.

Hygiene measures the new standard? Coronavirus cases are on the rise, but it is a steady increase. We have learned a lot since the beginning of March 2019, especially about hygiene.

In the continuation of the previous article, we have answered some other frequently asked questions about fogging devices and disinfectants.

Viruses are small pathogens that multiply only in the living cells of organisms. Viruses can infect animals, plants, and microorganisms, such as bacteria

A new study by researchers at Brigham Young University shows that non-alcoholic hand sanitizers are as effective as alcohol-based products in disinfecting.

The International Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines innovation as the implementation of a completely new or substantially improved product (good or service).

In the era when the corona virus spread, very frequent questions were asked about the use of disinfectants, foggers, etc.

History and the current covid-19 pandemic have taught us that hygiene associated with the use of disinfectants is inevitable.

Not only our hands contain bacteria, but also surfaces. For this reason, it is important not to forget to regularly disinfect surfaces to ensure a healthy living environment.

You have to face the fact that the kitchen is a place where infections and diseases spread easily. Bacteria can be anywhere in the kitchen.

First we look at what Halal means so that we can answer the question whether disinfectants are Halal

Good hygiene is of great importance to ensure that you are not getting in contact with pathogens

Molds on the wall is a very unpleasant scene. Whenever you notice it, you should take immediate action to fix it.

If you have flowers and plants in your home, you probably faced the challenge of creating powdery spots on your flowers and plants.

The mRNA vaccine functions by providing our bodies with instructions on producing the virus protein and subsequently generating antibodies against it

There have now been a few cases of monkeypox in Britain, an infectious disease that is not easily transmitted between people.

In general, it is very important to keep the living and working environment clean. But this does not mean disinfecting or sterilizing. The purpose of disinfecting and sterilizing is that if we touch something, if it is safe and free from germs and viruses.

As we all know, hands are among the part of the body that have the most contact with objects and people.

In today's world, where health threats are ever-present, selecting the appropriate disinfectant is paramount

In hospitals there is physical contact between hospital staff and the patient on a regular base.

Given the amount of news we hear these days about viruses, including coronavirus, it's difficult to figure out how to take care of ourselves and our families.

One of the most important topics to know about pets is their care.

Cleaning and hygiene in the hospital is considered the most important task. Disinfection of surfaces to dusting of areas that are usually neglected. In hospitals, cleaning patient rooms is very important to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.

Molds are propagated by spores and it is very difficult to see them with the eye.

In 2019, the Corona virus spread and like a rapid fire, it quickly covered all countries.